If you like "The Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan, then you might enjoy...


Book cover: The Eye of the World
The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow. The first book in The Wheel of Time (The Eye of the World) starts out in the peaceful village of Emond's Field. The villagers pay little attention to rumours of war in the western lands until a brutal attack by Trollocs, troll-like minions of the Dark One, forces three young men to confront a destiny which has its origins in the time known as The Breaking of the World.

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Books like The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time #1)

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1) by George R.R. Martin

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This is the first book in explores a A Song of Ice and Fire, this series is set in medieval-like fantasy world where summers span decades and winter can last a lifetime. The characters in this epic story are struggling amid plots and counterplots, tragedy and betrayal, victory and terror in the only game that matters, the game of thrones. And in this game you either win or you die, there is no middle ground.

Is A Game of Thrones good?

This is an excellent book series. It is sadly not finished jet, and it will probably take decades before it is finished, unless the author gets his finger out of his ass. But it is worth to wait on books of this superb quality.

Why is A Game of Thrones recommended?

Both are huge complex fantasy series and are widely popular among fantasy readers. A Song of Ice and Fire has less direct use of magic and it is harder to say who is the main characters, it follows so many.

Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth #1) by Terry Goodkind

Book cover: Wizard's First Rule
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Richard Cypher, a young man in the Westland, helps out Kahlan Amnell, a young woman from the Midlands in trouble. She has managed to cross the boundary between the lands to see Zedd, of all people. She brings with her dark news from the other side of the Boundary. Darken Rahl, Ruler of D'Hara, has brought down the Boundary between D'Hara and the Midlands. Kahlan Amnell seeks a great wizard who had left the Midlands for the Magic free Westlands to have him Name a Seeker of Truth. That way they can find a way to defend them self against Darken Rahl.

Is Wizard's First Rule good?

I remember that I really liked The Sword of Truth. I guess i still do. I have read that some people complain about bad writing, that might be true, but I am very seldom affected by bad writing. I am more interesting in story and characters, and that it has. This book series is absolutely worth a try... if you have time for 11+ books with about 700 pages each.

Why is Wizard's First Rule recommended?

Both are long stories following a few people. Magic, evil enemies, magical swords and so on. Sword of Truth and Wheel og time both have a very similar feel to them.

Magician: Apprentice (The Riftwar Saga #1) by Raymond Feist

Book cover: Magician: Apprentice
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Pug is despite his name a human orphan and not a dog. He was chosen to study under the master magician Kulgan. They will soon discover that dark beings from another world have opened a rift in the fabric of spacetime to begin again the age-old battle between the forces of Order and Chaos. Pug ends up in the centre of this strife. Will he be strong enough to save his world?

Is Magician: Apprentice good?

The Riftwar Saga is a great series. Magician: Apprentice starts out like most coming of age fantasy books, but it is written exceptionally good. Absolute worth reading.

Why is Magician: Apprentice recommended?

WoT is a heavier read with logger more detailed descriptions than the Rift War Saga. If you can handle that, then you should give Wot a try.

Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera #1) by Jim Butcher

Book cover: Furies of Calderon
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The people of Alera are bound with furies, elementals of earth, water, air, fire and metal. The teenager Tavi stands out from all other people in Alere, he has no furycrafting. However, Tavi manages to get by with brains and courage, even when every one else has the power of furies backing them. When his homeland erupts in chaos, when rebels war with loyalists and furies clash with furies, Tavi's simple furyles courage will turn the tides of war.

Is Furies of Calderon good?

Furies of Calderon is the firs book of Codex Alera, a finished six book series. This is an excellent series, and I absolutely recommend people loving fantasy books to read it.

Why is Furies of Calderon recommended?

Both Wheel of Time and Codex Alera are long epic fantasy series that are really good.

Pawn of Prophecy (The Belgariad #1) by David Eddings

Book cover: Pawn of Prophecy
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Garion is a young boy living on a large farm. He lives there in a peaceful happy ordinary life with his Aunt Pol and his friend Durnik the blacksmith. One they when the storyteller called Mister Wolf comes on his regular visits, Garion`s life undergo a dramatic change. Garion, aunt Pol, Mister Wolfe and Durnik sets out on a long journey to retrieve a lost item.

Is Pawn of Prophecy good?

Pawn of Prophecy, the first book in The Belgariad, is a splendid book. It is very old fashion classic fantasy with a boy growing up with special powers, a travelling quest, black and white morals and fighting the evil overlord. But it is written very well and it is absolutely worth reading. It might be a classic in the fantasy genre.

Dragons of Autumn Twilight (Dragonlance Chronicles #1) by Margaret Weis

Book cover: Dragons of Autumn Twilight
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A group of friends, consisting of Tanis, Sturm, Caramon, Raistlin, Flint, and Tasslehoff, come together after five years of pursuing their own quests. Tanis is a half-elf and de facto leader of the companions. Sturm Brightblade is a squire to the Knights of Solamnia and a deeply honorable man. Caramon Majere is a huge, muscular, sometimes slow-thinking warrior, with a deep affection for his brother, Raistlin. Raistlin Majere is a powerful, sarcastic, cynical, frail mage of the Red Robes. Flint Fireforge, a gruff old dwarf and old friend of Tanis.Tasslehoff Burrfoot, a happy-go-lucky, not-so-innocent, and genial kender. The companions discovers that the village they are meting in has been taken over by a religious order called the Seekers. And the Seekers are collaborating with the Dragon Highlords, who are preparing for the conquest of their continent. The companions soon find them self chased by these evil forces and enemies of the realm.

Is Dragons of Autumn Twilight good?

I had some reservations before starting on these books. I thought Dragonlance was some low quality role-playing fantasy shit, but I was wrong. Dragonlance Chronicles are great books. They are absolute worth reading.

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The Dragonbone Chair (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn #1) by Tad Williams

Book cover: The Dragonbone Chair
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The High King of Osten Ard, slayer of the dread dragon Shurakai, lies dying. With his death, the Storm King, undead ruler of the elvishlike Siti, will finally be free to unleash his plans to regain his lost realm. Only the League of the Scroll, a small secret group with members scattered all over, recognizes the true danger. Simon, a castle scullion and an unknowingly apprenticed to a member of this League, will be tossed out in the centre of the conflict and the Leagues quest for the solution to a riddle of long-lost swords of power. Simon will be confronted with enemies straight out of a legend-maker's worst nightmares!

Is The Dragonbone Chair good?

I remember I was spell-bound by this trilogy. Memory, Sorrow and Thorn was one of the earlier fantasy series i read, and it was really good. All fantasy fans should read this trilogy.

Mistborn (Mistborn #1) by Brandon Sanderson

Book cover: Mistborn
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A World that has been a wasteland of ash and mist for over a thousand years. For this time the Lord Ruler, the “Sliver of Infinity”, has reigned with absolute power and ultimate terror. Every revolt has failed miserably. Then a terribly scarred, heart-broken half-Skaa named Kelsier, placed it in the depths of the Lord Ruler’s most hellish prison “snapped” and found in himself the powers of a Mistborn. The skill to burn all sixteen of the Allomantic metals. A brilliant thief and natural leader, he turned his talents to the ultimate play, with the Lord Ruler himself as the mark. For this Kelsier recruited the underworld’s elite, the smartest and most trustworthy allomancers, each of whom capable of burning one of the Allomantic metals. Kel’s plan looks more like the ultimate long shot, until luck brings a ragged girl named Vin into his life, a girl with the potential to become a Mistborn like himself.

Is Mistborn good?

This is the first book in the Mistborn series. Both this book and the rest of the series is really good. If you like fantasy books then this should be a must read.

Name of the Wind (Kingkiller Chronicle #1) by Patrick Rothfuss

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This is the first book in the Kingkiller Chronicle, a story that tells a first person story of a young man who grows to be the most notorious magician his world has ever seen. From his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, to years spent as an orphan suer rat in a crime ridden city, to his daringly brazen yet successful gamble to enter a legendary school of magic.

Is Name of the Wind good?

This book starts out a little slow, but it becomes one of the better fantasy books there is. It`s a must read for any fantasy book lover.

The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive #1) by Brandon Sanderson

Book cover: The Way of Kings
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Roshar is a world of stone and storms. Uncanny tempests of incredible power, the Storm-father, sweep across the rocky terrain so frequently that they have shaped ecology and civilization alike. Animals hide in shells, trees pull in branches, and grass retracts into the soiless ground. Cities are built only where the topography offers shelter. In The Way of Kings, the first book of the The Stormlight Archive, we follow tree main protagonists. Kaladin, who traded his promesing medical apprenticeship for a spear to protect his little brother, only to be twice betrayed by his Brightlord and end up in slavery. Brightlord Dalinar Kholin, brother of the late king, commander of one of the armies and follower of the The Way of Kings. And Shallan, who is seeks to train under an eminent scholar and notorious heretic, Dalinar’s niece, Jasnah. Though she genuinely loves learning, Shallan’s motives are less than pure.

Is The Way of Kings good?

This book is highly recommended. It starts of a very promising series. If you like fantasy books, then this is a must read.

The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings #1) by J.R.R. Tolkien

Book cover: The Lord of the Rings
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A hobbit gets a ring and the wizard discover its evil power. They have to destroy it, but only one place can do that. A small fellowship is formed to get to he place it has to be destroyed. Orcs and other evils try to stop them... You know the story, no need for me to tell more of it.

Is The Lord of the Rings good?

The Lord of the Rings is a classic fantasy book and a must read for any fan of the genre.

TV-Shows like The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time #1)

Babylon 5

Tv Show cover: Babylon 5
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Commander Sinclair commands a giant five-mile long cylindrical space station. It orbits a planet in neutral space and has become a diplomatic centre for different interstellar empires. Between handling troubles between the different empires ambassadors Commander Sinclair also has to fight internal strife in the Earth Alliance.

Is Babylon 5 good?

I can't understand why Sheldon Coper hates Babylon 5, it's an absolute terrific series. So much tension and drama between the different sides. A complex and excellent show. I guess one thing that makes it so great is that this is a five season long tale. All the seasons were planned out to make one story before they started producing it. I wish more series could try that.

Why is Babylon 5 recommended?

Wheel of Time might be fantasy and Babylon 5 might be science fiction, but both have a long complex political storyline.

Legend Of The Seeker

Tv Show cover: Legend Of The Seeker
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The Legend Of The Seeker follows the adventures of Richard Cypher the new "Seeker of Truth", Kahlan Amnell the last Mother Confessor, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander a wizard of the first order, Cara a warrior (Mord-Sith) as they fight for the people of their realm against tyrants and destroyers. The TV show differ substantially the books (Sword of Truth).

Is Legend Of The Seeker good?

I have only seen season one, I was a little irritated that it differ so much from the book series. However, I do plan to give it another chance.

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Game of Thrones

Tv Show cover: Game of Thrones
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Noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Political and sexual intrigue is pervasive. They are locked in a battle for the Iron Throne. This is a grand story of duplicity and treachery, nobility and honor, conquest and triumph. When you play the Game of Thrones, you either win or you die. While the noble families play their deadly game a very ancient evil awakens in the farthest north. Only a neglected military order of sinners and outcasts, the Night's Watch, is all that stands between the realms of men and this ancient evil.

Is Game of Thrones good?

It`s almost perfect. My precious...

Anime like The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time #1)

The Twelve Kingdoms

Anime cover: The Twelve Kingdoms
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Nakajima Youko is your average high school girl, but one day, a man named Keiki come to her. He is swearing his allegiance to her and before she could understand what happens a demon-like creatures attack Youko. As this is happening Youko and her friends are pulled into a different world, a world unlike anything they have ever seen. And so begins an epic adventure.

Is The Twelve Kingdoms good?

The Twelve Kingdoms are a really great anime. It`s a must watch for any anime fan and other people might also like it.

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