If you like "Mistborn" by Brandon Sanderson, then you might enjoy...


Book cover: Mistborn
A World that has been a wasteland of ash and mist for over a thousand years. For this time the Lord Ruler, the “Sliver of Infinity”, has reigned with absolute power and ultimate terror. Every revolt has failed miserably. Then a terribly scarred, heart-broken half-Skaa named Kelsier, placed it in the depths of the Lord Ruler’s most hellish prison “snapped” and found in himself the powers of a Mistborn. The skill to burn all sixteen of the Allomantic metals. A brilliant thief and natural leader, he turned his talents to the ultimate play, with the Lord Ruler himself as the mark. For this Kelsier recruited the underworld’s elite, the smartest and most trustworthy allomancers, each of whom capable of burning one of the Allomantic metals. Kel’s plan looks more like the ultimate long shot, until luck brings a ragged girl named Vin into his life, a girl with the potential to become a Mistborn like himself.

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Books like Mistborn (Mistborn #1)

The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive #1) by Brandon Sanderson

Book cover: The Way of Kings
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Roshar is a world of stone and storms. Uncanny tempests of incredible power, the Storm-father, sweep across the rocky terrain so frequently that they have shaped ecology and civilization alike. Animals hide in shells, trees pull in branches, and grass retracts into the soiless ground. Cities are built only where the topography offers shelter. In The Way of Kings, the first book of the The Stormlight Archive, we follow tree main protagonists. Kaladin, who traded his promesing medical apprenticeship for a spear to protect his little brother, only to be twice betrayed by his Brightlord and end up in slavery. Brightlord Dalinar Kholin, brother of the late king, commander of one of the armies and follower of the The Way of Kings. And Shallan, who is seeks to train under an eminent scholar and notorious heretic, Dalinar’s niece, Jasnah. Though she genuinely loves learning, Shallan’s motives are less than pure.

Is The Way of Kings good?

This book is highly recommended. It starts of a very promising series. If you like fantasy books, then this is a must read.

Why is The Way of Kings recommended?

Brandon Sanderson is the author of both these excellent book series.

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Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth #1) by Terry Goodkind

Book cover: Wizard's First Rule
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Richard Cypher, a young man in the Westland, helps out Kahlan Amnell, a young woman from the Midlands in trouble. She has managed to cross the boundary between the lands to see Zedd, of all people. She brings with her dark news from the other side of the Boundary. Darken Rahl, Ruler of D'Hara, has brought down the Boundary between D'Hara and the Midlands. Kahlan Amnell seeks a great wizard who had left the Midlands for the Magic free Westlands to have him Name a Seeker of Truth. That way they can find a way to defend them self against Darken Rahl.

Is Wizard's First Rule good?

I remember that I really liked The Sword of Truth. I guess i still do. I have read that some people complain about bad writing, that might be true, but I am very seldom affected by bad writing. I am more interesting in story and characters, and that it has. This book series is absolutely worth a try... if you have time for 11+ books with about 700 pages each.

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Pawn of Prophecy (The Belgariad #1) by David Eddings

Book cover: Pawn of Prophecy
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Garion is a young boy living on a large farm. He lives there in a peaceful happy ordinary life with his Aunt Pol and his friend Durnik the blacksmith. One they when the storyteller called Mister Wolf comes on his regular visits, Garion`s life undergo a dramatic change. Garion, aunt Pol, Mister Wolfe and Durnik sets out on a long journey to retrieve a lost item.

Is Pawn of Prophecy good?

Pawn of Prophecy, the first book in The Belgariad, is a splendid book. It is very old fashion classic fantasy with a boy growing up with special powers, a travelling quest, black and white morals and fighting the evil overlord. But it is written very well and it is absolutely worth reading. It might be a classic in the fantasy genre.

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The Deed of Paksenarrion (The Deed of Paksenarrion #1) by Elizabeth Moon

Book cover: The Deed of Paksenarrion
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The Deed of Paksenarrion centres around the life of Paksenarrion, known as Paks, a simple sheepfarmer's daughter. She is a headstrong teenage girl that yearns for a life of adventure and glory, such as was known to heroes in songs and story. When her father arranges a marriage for her, she decides to flee and take up with a mercenary company. Through her journeys and hardships in the mercenary company she comes to realize that she has been gifted as a paladin.

Is The Deed of Paksenarrion good?

The Deed of Paksenarrion is a good fantasy read. I might be wrong, but I think it is among the earlier classical fantasy books with a strong female character in the lead. In stead following a young boy as he grows into his powers we follow a young girl.

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The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time #1) by Robert Jordan

Book cover: The Eye of the World
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The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow. The first book in The Wheel of Time (The Eye of the World) starts out in the peaceful village of Emond's Field. The villagers pay little attention to rumours of war in the western lands until a brutal attack by Trollocs, troll-like minions of the Dark One, forces three young men to confront a destiny which has its origins in the time known as The Breaking of the World.

Is The Eye of the World good?

This richly detailed fantasy presents a fully realized, complex adventure which will appeal to fans of classic fantasy. The Wheel of time is highly recommended, however, some of the later books can be a drag to read.

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The Blade Itself (The First Law #1) by Joe Abercrombie

Book cover: The Blade Itself
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Murderous conspiracies, old scores ready to be settled, unpredictable, compelling, wickedly funny, and packed with unforgettable characters, We follow the characters the infamous barbarian Logen Ninefingers, Captain Jezal dan Luthar, Inquisitor Glokta and he wizard Bayaz. Jezal is a nobleman, dashing officer, and paragon of selfishness. He has nothing more dangerous in mind than fleecing his friends at cards and dreaming of glory in the fencing circle. Glokta, a cripple turned torturer, loves cutting treason out of the Union one confession at a time. Bayaz, an old man with a terrible temper, he could be the First of the Magi, he could be a spectacular fraud, but whatever he is, he's about to make the lives of Logen, Jezal, and Glotka a whole lot more difficult.

Is The Blade Itself good?

The Blade Itself is the first book in the The Blade Itself. This book, especially Glokta with his biting and interesting internal monologues, is among the better fantasy books. You will have a blast reading this.

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Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera #1) by Jim Butcher

Book cover: Furies of Calderon
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The people of Alera are bound with furies, elementals of earth, water, air, fire and metal. The teenager Tavi stands out from all other people in Alere, he has no furycrafting. However, Tavi manages to get by with brains and courage, even when every one else has the power of furies backing them. When his homeland erupts in chaos, when rebels war with loyalists and furies clash with furies, Tavi's simple furyles courage will turn the tides of war.

Is Furies of Calderon good?

Furies of Calderon is the firs book of Codex Alera, a finished six book series. This is an excellent series, and I absolutely recommend people loving fantasy books to read it.

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Magician: Apprentice (The Riftwar Saga #1) by Raymond Feist

Book cover: Magician: Apprentice
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Pug is despite his name a human orphan and not a dog. He was chosen to study under the master magician Kulgan. They will soon discover that dark beings from another world have opened a rift in the fabric of spacetime to begin again the age-old battle between the forces of Order and Chaos. Pug ends up in the centre of this strife. Will he be strong enough to save his world?

Is Magician: Apprentice good?

The Riftwar Saga is a great series. Magician: Apprentice starts out like most coming of age fantasy books, but it is written exceptionally good. Absolute worth reading.

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Assassin's Apprentice (Farseer trilogy #1) by Robin Hobb

Book cover: Assassin's Apprentice
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Young Fitz, born on the wrong side of the sheets, is the bastard son of prince Chivalry. As a young child he is raised as a stableboy in the shadow of the royal court by his father’s stableman, Burrich, the stablemaster at Buckkeep. Fitz is treated as an outcast by all the nobles except by King Shrewd, who has him secretly tutored as an assassin. In Fitz’s blood runs the magic called Skill, and the more animalistic, and by most, the abhorred art known as the Wit. As barbarous raiders ravage the coasts, Fitz is growing to manhood, and soon he will face his first dangerous, soul-crushing mission.

Is Assassin's Apprentice good?

This is the first book in The Farseer trilogy, and it is very good. This series is among the books that are a must read for any fan of fantasy books.

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The Way of Shadows (The Night Angel Trilogy #1) by Brent Weeks

Book cover: The Way of Shadows
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For Azoth, a guild rat living in the slum, survival is precarious. To survive this brutal life he learned to judge people quickly, and to take calculated risks. Risks like selling his soul to the devil, Durzo Blint, the most accomplished assassin there is. Azoth does this in order to protect his friends Jaral and Doll-girl, but to be accepted by Durzo Blint, Azoth must turn his back on his old life and embrace a new identity and name. As Kylar Stern, he must learn to navigate the assassins world of dangerous politics and strange magics.

Is The Way of Shadows good?

The Way of Shadows is the first book in the Night Angel Trilogy, an excellent book it is. The hours just fly by as we live the life of Kylar Stern.

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Theft of Swords (The Riyria Revelations #1) by Michael J. Sullivan

Book cover: Theft of Swords
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Royce Melborn and Hadrian Blackwater works together as an infamous group of thieves. They make a living taking on high paying jobs for conspiring noblemen. In there last job, stealing a duellists famous sword, they become the unwitting scapegoats in a plot to murder the king. Sentenced to death, they are presented with an unexpected way out of their predicament. This finds them suddenly entangled in in a larger conspiracy regarding the leadership of not only their own kingdom, but the empire as well.

Is Theft of Swords good?

This book is the start of an good and entertaining series. It might not be among the best fantasy series, but it is absolutely worth reading.

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Name of the Wind (Kingkiller Chronicle #1) by Patrick Rothfuss

Book cover: Name of the Wind
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This is the first book in the Kingkiller Chronicle, a story that tells a first person story of a young man who grows to be the most notorious magician his world has ever seen. From his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, to years spent as an orphan suer rat in a crime ridden city, to his daringly brazen yet successful gamble to enter a legendary school of magic.

Is Name of the Wind good?

This book starts out a little slow, but it becomes one of the better fantasy books there is. It`s a must read for any fantasy book lover.

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Sabriel (Abhorsen #1)

Book cover: Sabriel
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Two neighbouring countries are divided by a wall, Ancelstierre to the south and the Old Kingdom to the north. Ancelstierre has a technology level and society similar to that of early-20th century England. The Old Kingdom has a more medieval technological level, but they do have both Free magic and Charter Magic. This last titbit is officially denied by the government of Ancelstierre and disbelieved by most of their inhabitants. Sabriel is in her last year at Wyverley College, a private school in Ancelstierre that lies close to the wall to the Old Kingdom. An undead creature enters their dormitory. Sabriel notices it is attempting to communicate, its a messanger from her father, the Abhorsen, who is past the Seventh Gate of Death. He tells her that she is to take on the role of Abhorsen and defeat Kerrigor, a powerful necromancer, who is attempting to make his way back into Life. The unded messanger gives her the Abhorsen's bandelier of bells, the Abhorsen's sword and a map of the Old Kingdom. Sabriel leaves Wyverley College and travel into the mytical land of the Old Kongdom.

Is Sabriel good?

Sabriel is a really great book and the rest of the Abhorsen books are just as good.

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The Painted Man (Demon Cycle #0) by Peter V. Brett

Book cover: The Painted Man
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Demons, possessing supernatural powers, comes up from the centre of the earth at night, multitudes and giants, from fire, wood, and rock, hungry for human flesh. Humans has to hide inside between magic wards for protection, or risk almost certain death. After centuries, human population dwindle, most of the wards forgotten. Three young survivors of demon attacks, Arlen, Leesha, and Rojer, dare to fight back.

Is The Painted Man good?

The Painted Man (The Warded Man), is an excellent book, and it just the beginning.

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The Lies of Locke Lamora (The Gentleman Bastard #1) by Scott Lynch

Book cover: The Lies of Locke Lamora
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Locke Lamora, born in the island city of Camorr with a quick wit and a gift for thieving, has dodged both death and slavery, only to fall into the hands of an eyeless priest known as Chains. A man who is neither blind nor a priest, but a con artist of extraordinary talent. Chains passes his skills on to his carefully selected gang of orphans, a group known as the Gentlemen Bastards. Under Chains guiding hand, Locke grows to lead the Gentlemen Bastards, delightedly pulling off one outrageous confidence game after another. A shadowy and ambitious figur, known as the Gray King is using Locke Lamora as a pawn in his play to take control of Camorr's underworld. With a bloody coup under way threatening to destroy everyone and everything that he cares for, Locke vows to beat the Gray King at his own game, or die trying.

Is The Lies of Locke Lamora good?

I have only read the first book in this series, but I plan to read the rest later.

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Animes like Mistborn (Mistborn #1)


Anime cover: Claymore
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In a world that humans must share with Yoma, demonic predators who feast on human intestines, we follow a young boy, Raki, who has lost everything too the Yomas. He joins up with Clare, a slightly older girl and a Claymore. Claymores are half human and half Yoma. They are detested by most humans, but they are necessary. They are the only force that stands between them and getting there intestines eaten. Clare and Raki travels together around on missions set by the Claymore leaders to take care of Yoma infestations. Clare is considered an outcast py her own people for picking up a young boy and for almost losing herself to her youma side.

Is Claymore good?

Claymore is a really good anime. It might also be interesting for people that usually do not watch animes.

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Anime cover: Berserk
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Guts is a brave young warrior who fights as a mercenary on the front lines. He befriends the charismatic and deadly Griffith. Griffith is the leader of the Band of the Hawk, a group of rouge soldiers. The armies of Midland will quake with fear as Griffith and Guts set off on a path that will bring the world to its knees.

Is Berserk good?

I love Berserk. It a masterpiece. People who have never watched animes might also like it.

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