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Book cover: Sabriel
Two neighbouring countries are divided by a wall, Ancelstierre to the south and the Old Kingdom to the north. Ancelstierre has a technology level and society similar to that of early-20th century England. The Old Kingdom has a more medieval technological level, but they do have both Free magic and Charter Magic. This last titbit is officially denied by the government of Ancelstierre and disbelieved by most of their inhabitants. Sabriel is in her last year at Wyverley College, a private school in Ancelstierre that lies close to the wall to the Old Kingdom. An undead creature enters their dormitory. Sabriel notices it is attempting to communicate, its a messanger from her father, the Abhorsen, who is past the Seventh Gate of Death. He tells her that she is to take on the role of Abhorsen and defeat Kerrigor, a powerful necromancer, who is attempting to make his way back into Life. The unded messanger gives her the Abhorsen's bandelier of bells, the Abhorsen's sword and a map of the Old Kingdom. Sabriel leaves Wyverley College and travel into the mytical land of the Old Kongdom.

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Books like Sabriel (Abhorsen #1)

Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera #1) by Jim Butcher

Book cover: Furies of Calderon
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The people of Alera are bound with furies, elementals of earth, water, air, fire and metal. The teenager Tavi stands out from all other people in Alere, he has no furycrafting. However, Tavi manages to get by with brains and courage, even when every one else has the power of furies backing them. When his homeland erupts in chaos, when rebels war with loyalists and furies clash with furies, Tavi's simple furyles courage will turn the tides of war.

Is Furies of Calderon good?

Furies of Calderon is the firs book of Codex Alera, a finished six book series. This is an excellent series, and I absolutely recommend people loving fantasy books to read it.

Why is Furies of Calderon recommended?

Codex Alera is not about the dead or necromancers, but there are nature spirits. It might be directed toward a older audience, but it is not to dark or heavy for younger readers. As long as they are OK with reading books thick as bricks.

The Amulet of Samarkand (Bartimaeus Sequence #1) by Jonathan Stroud

Book cover: The Amulet of Samarkand
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Britain is ruled by powerful magicians, and Nathaniel, a young boy, is sold to the government by his birth parents. Nathaniel is told his is the "ultimate sacrifice" for a "noble destiny" as he is sent to live as an apprentice to Arthur Underwood, a cold, condescending, and cruel middle-ranking magician. Nathaniel hones his magic skills to be able to summon the 5,000-year-old djinni Bartimaeus to take revenge on ruthless magician Simon Lovelace who publicly humiliated him. He plans to do this by stealing the powerful Amulet of Samarkand from Lovelace. Nathaniel is plunged into a situation more dangerous and deadly than anything he could ever imagine.

Is The Amulet of Samarkand good?

This is a well paced story with a good plot. You should read this series, it is really good. he story itself is well-paced and complex enough to keep the reader guessing.

Why is The Amulet of Samarkand recommended?

Bartimaeus is not about necromancy and death, but it has daemons and summoning. That is kind of similar. The books also feels like them fit for the same audience, even if Bartimaeus might have more humour in it.

The Magicians' Guild (The Black Magician Trilogy #1) by Trudi Canavan

Book cover: The Magicians' Guild
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Sonea is a young slum rat that suddenly discovers that she has magical potential when she throws a stone through a magical barrier and accidentally hist a magician shielded behind it. The magicians want her join their guild but Sonea has an understandable but unnecessary distrust of the magicians, so she run away from them. The magicians must find her before her uncontrolled and untrained powers kill her and possibly destroys the city. This is not an easy task since Sonea knows the slums and its hidden sewers like only a slum child can. The guild desperately tries to hunt her down to attempt to convince her to join them and start in their school.

Is The Magicians' Guild good?

I liked this book quite well, but I read it back in my earlier days when I was new to fantasy books. The story in The Magicians' Guild is kind of unoriginal and follows standard fantasy structure. But if you are kind of new to fantasy books or like me, liking these kind of stories, then it should be a good read.

Why is The Magicians' Guild recommended?

The Black Magician and Abhorsen dos not really have anything in common other than I feel that they somehow fit together. Although, they both have strong female lead characters.

The Painted Man (Demon Cycle #0) by Peter V. Brett

Book cover: The Painted Man
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Demons, possessing supernatural powers, comes up from the centre of the earth at night, multitudes and giants, from fire, wood, and rock, hungry for human flesh. Humans has to hide inside between magic wards for protection, or risk almost certain death. After centuries, human population dwindle, most of the wards forgotten. Three young survivors of demon attacks, Arlen, Leesha, and Rojer, dare to fight back.

Is The Painted Man good?

The Painted Man (The Warded Man), is an excellent book, and it just the beginning.

Why is The Painted Man recommended?

Demon Cycle has daemons that comes out at night from the centre of the earth. But it has nothing to do with death, and it is written primarily for a little older audience.

The Spirit Thief (The Legend of Eli Monpress #1) by Rachel Aaron

Book cover: The Spirit Thief
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Eli Monpress is talented. He's charming. And he's the greatest thief of his time. He is also a spirit charmer, a wizard. He's companions are a swordsman carrying the most powerful magic sword in the world but with no magical ability of his own, and a demonseed who can step through shadows and punch through walls. Every single object has a spirit, and a wizard's power derives from the ability to enter into a mutual contract with these spirits. On the more evil side of the spectrum wizards can alsoenslave the spirits. Eli, uniquely, seems to be able to just talk them into doing what he wants. This can be seen in the opening scene of The Spirit Thief where Eli Monpress is trying to escape from the royal dungeon of Mellinor. He does this bycharming the dungeon's door into opening. He is persuading, cajoling and wheedling it into letting him through. Explaining to it that it really would be much better off without those annoying nails keeping it together.

Is The Spirit Thief good?

This book might not be deep or complex, but it is still a very good read. It is written in a witty and charming way that makes it hard to lay down.

Why is The Spirit Thief recommended?

The Legend of Eli Monpress might not be about spirits of the dead, but it has spirits as a main components. Alto its is spirits of objects and living beings.

Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica Roth

Book cover: Divergent
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The dystopian society in Divergent is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue. Candor the honest, Abnegation the selfless, Dauntless the brave, Amity the peaceful, and Erudite the intelligent. On an appointed day all sixteen year old teens must select the faction they want too devote the rest of their lives. Beatrice has to decide between staying with her family in Amity or choosing to be who she really is. She can’t have both, and the choice she makes ends up to surprises everyone, including herself. Beatrice takes the new name Tris when she joins her new faction. She discover that she also has a secret, one she has to keep hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death.

Is Divergent good?

Many people like this book, but I`m not a big fan. It was ok, but I did not read the rest of the books in the series.

Why is Divergent recommended?

Divergent dos not have much in common with Abhorsen other than a strong female lead. But there is something that feels slightly similar between them.

The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials #1)

Book cover: The Golden Compass
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Lyra Belacqua is an orphan living in the precincts of Oxford University. Her world in snot like ours, Lyra and the rest of her companions all have a personal daemon. This daemon is the personification of their sole in an animal form. Her peaceful life is changed when Lord Asriel, her uncle, arrives with strange and dangerous tidings from the far north. He also has photographs of a mysterious phenomenon called Dust and the dim outline of a city suspended in the northern lights that he suspects is part of an alternate universe. Lyra is left in the care of Mrs. Coulter a mysterious scholar and explorer. Lyra learns that many children disappears, and when her friend Roger is kidnapped she sets out to find him. Her search leads her to the top of the world where she learns that the missing children andtheir daemons are used in horrific experiments.

Is The Golden Compass good?

I remember liking this trilogy quite well. Its a good children and young adult book. I think I would still like it if I were to read it again now as an regular adult.

Why is The Golden Compass recommended?

His Dark Materials might not deal in death, but it has spirit/daemon like beings. Both books are also a good fit for younger readers.

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Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter #1) by Laurell K. Hamilton

Book cover: Guilty Pleasures
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Anita Blake is a necromancer and vampire hunter. Vampires are protected by law, but when some of them gets out of hand, then you call Anita Blake, the Executioner. Guilty Pleasures, the first book in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, starts out with someone killing innocent vampires. Anita is approached by Jean Claude, the second strongest vampire in the city to help figur out who is killing vampires. Anita agrees to help out after a bit of vampiric arm-twisting.

Is Guilty Pleasures good?

This is the start of an excellent vampire series. Well, the beginning of it is excellent. I stooped reading around book 10, it had started to go downhill a little before that. But the first books are absolutely worth reading.

Why is Guilty Pleasures recommended?

Sabriel is more PG13 friendly books. The only common theme is that both are strong female lead characters with necromancer powers.

A Wizard of Earthsea (The Earthsea Cycle #1) by Ursula K. Le Guin

Book cover: A Wizard of Earthsea
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Ged was the greatest sorcerer in Earthsea, but in his youth he was the reckless Sparrowhawk. In his hunger for power and knowledge, he tampered with long-held secrets and loosed a terrible shadow upon the world. This is the tumultuous tale of his testing, how he mastered the mighty words of power, tamed an ancient dragon, and crossed death's threshold to restore the balance. -Amazon

Is A Wizard of Earthsea good?

A Wizard of Earthsea is the first book in the The Earthsea Cycle. This series can probably be titled as a classic fantasy series. I remember that I really liked it back when I read it, but that is starting to be some years ago. I don't think it can compete with some of the newer epic fantasy series.

Why is A Wizard of Earthsea recommended?

Again, the Earthsea Cycle and Abhorsen dos not really have anything in common. But it feels like they somehow belongs together.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter #1) by J.K. Rowling

Book cover: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
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Harry lives a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley. Harry's room is a tiny cupboard under the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in ten years. But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl, a letter with an invitation to Hogwart, an infamous school for witches and wizards.

Is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone good?

This is the first book of a finished seven book series about Harry Potter, the boy who lived. To be honest, I am not a fan of the two first books in this series, but the rest of them are absolutely fantastic. Highly recommended.

Mistborn (Mistborn #1) by Brandon Sanderson

Book cover: Mistborn
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A World that has been a wasteland of ash and mist for over a thousand years. For this time the Lord Ruler, the “Sliver of Infinity”, has reigned with absolute power and ultimate terror. Every revolt has failed miserably. Then a terribly scarred, heart-broken half-Skaa named Kelsier, placed it in the depths of the Lord Ruler’s most hellish prison “snapped” and found in himself the powers of a Mistborn. The skill to burn all sixteen of the Allomantic metals. A brilliant thief and natural leader, he turned his talents to the ultimate play, with the Lord Ruler himself as the mark. For this Kelsier recruited the underworld’s elite, the smartest and most trustworthy allomancers, each of whom capable of burning one of the Allomantic metals. Kel’s plan looks more like the ultimate long shot, until luck brings a ragged girl named Vin into his life, a girl with the potential to become a Mistborn like himself.

Is Mistborn good?

This is the first book in the Mistborn series. Both this book and the rest of the series is really good. If you like fantasy books then this should be a must read.

Movie like Sabriel (Abhorsen #1)

Corpse Bride

Movie cover: Corpse Bride
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When Victor Van Dort, a shy groom to be, practices his wedding vows far out in the woods. He accidentally get married to Emily, a corps bride, who assumed it was her he intended to marry. Emily takes victor on a unforgetable jurny when she takes him home to the underworld to meet her friends.

Is Corpse Bride good?

Corpse Bride is not as good as the classical "The Nightmare Before Christmas", but it is stile a really good movie made in classic Tim Burton style.

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TV-Show like Sabriel (Abhorsen #1)

The Dresden Files

Tv Show cover: The Dresden Files
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HARRY DRESDEN -- WIZARD Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment. Harry Dresden is a wizard from Chicago that works as a private investigator. He actually advertises in the Chicago yellow pages, with the ad written above. He also works as a consultant to the Chicago police with Detective Murphy on those cases considered bizarre.

Is The Dresden Files good?

I was at first a little put off because it differs from the stories told in the books, but after I come over that I started to really like it. The essence of the show is the same as the books, and you get a similar feeling. It is worth watching even if you have not read the books.
