If you like "The Iron Druid Chronicles" by Kevin Hearne, then you might enjoy...


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The Iron Druid Chronicles, if you want more, then keep reading. We have created a huge list of similar recommendations. 

Most recommendations are books similar to The Iron Druid Chronicles books, but we have also added some recommendations from other mediums. We have added Anime recommendations similar to The Iron Druid Chronicles and TV-Show recommendations like The Iron Druid Chronicles.


Atticus O'Sullivan is the last of the Druids, and he runs an occult bookshop in Arizona. He is a handsome, tattooed Irish dude that looks like he is in his early twenties, but in actuality, he is over twenty centuries old.

Atticus is shape-shifting in his spare time to hunt with his Irish wolfhound. He is giving the dog the same life-extending potions that he takes himself, so his dog is way older than the average seven years a wolfhound gets. When they are not hunting they watch movies and have witty conversations together.

Atticus draws his power from the earth, possesses a sharp wit, and wields an even sharper magical sword. The sword is known as Fragarach and it can cut whatever it hits. In this first book, a very angry Celtic god wants that sword, and he’s hounded Atticus for centuries. He has finally tracked Atticus down.

How is Atticus going to handle a good?

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Books like Hounded (The Iron Druid Chronicles #1)

There are lots of books with similarities to The Iron Druid Chronicles books. Some of those we found should be to your taste.

The Amulet of Samarkand (Bartimaeus Sequence #1) by Jonathan Stroud

Book cover: The Amulet of Samarkand
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Britain is ruled by powerful magicians.

Nathaniel, a young boy, is sold to the government by his birth parents. He is sent to live as an apprentice to Arthur Underwood. A cold, condescending, and cruel middle-ranking magician.

After being publicly humiliated by the ruthless magician Simon Lovelace, Nathaniel swears revenge. He plans to do this by stealing the powerful Amulet of Samarkand. The amulet belongs to his master Underwood, but Nathaniel does not mind. Underwood did nothing to defend him from Lovelace's humiliation.

Nathaniel hones his magic skills to be able to summon the 5,000-year-old djinni Bartimaeus.

He plans to use the 5,000-year-old Bartimaeus to take revenge on Lovelace.

Nathaniel is plunged into a situation more dangerous and deadly than anything he could ever imagine.

Is Bartimaeus Sequence good?

This is a well-paced story with a good plot.

You should read this series, it is really good.

The story itself is well-paced and complex enough to keep the reader guessing.

Why is Bartimaeus Sequence recommended?

The Iron Druid Chronicles have some similarities with the Bartimaeus Sequence. Both Bartimaeus and Atticus has a sharp witty thong and has interesting dialogs. 

One of the main differences is that the Bartimaeus Sequence has a younger audience as its main target, but it is perfectly fine for adults to read. It is a good book series. It is in the YA Fantasy genre and not in the Urban Fantasy genre like The Iron Druid Chronicles.

If you like The Iron Druid Chronicles then Bartimaeus Sequence is a good recommendation, but only if you are OK with Young Adult books.

Storm Front (The Dresden Files #1) by Jim Butcher

Book cover: Storm Front
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Harry Dresden, a Chicago bound professional wizard, and the only one with an ad in the yellow pages. Business is sadly dreadful, even for a professional wizard PI. So when the local police ask him for help on a strange double murder, he jumps on it.

Is The Dresden Files good?

The Dresden Files is a must-read for anyone with the slightest interest in this gangrene.

Why is The Dresden Files recommended?

The Dresden Files and The Iron Druid Chronicles have many similarities. Both have male protagonists with magical powers, a sharp witty thong, and a funny companion they banter with.

One of the main differences is that The Iron Druid Chronicles focuses more on real mythology and Atticus is much older than Harry.

If you like The Iron Druid Chronicles then The Dresden Files is an excellent recommendation.


Monster Hunter International (Monster Hunter #1) by Larry Correia

Book cover: Monster Hunter International
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Owen Zastava Pitts's boss suddenly changed into an aggressive werewolf while Owen worked overtime. After a desperate fight, Owen pushed him out of the fourteenth story office window.

The next thing Owen remembers is that he woke up in the hospital with a scarred face and a job offer.

Monster Hunter International MHI, his new employer, is the premier monster eradication company in the business. They wanted Owen because he managed to kill a werewolf single-handedly without any weapons.

This is the first book in the Monster Hunter series and an ancient entity known as the Cursed One has returned to settle a centuries-old vendetta. If The Cursed One should succeed, it would mean the end of the world.

MHI is the only thing standing in his way.

Why is Monster Hunter recommended?

The Monster Hunter books are also cool Urban Fantasy books with an interesting male lead character. It's an interesting series with many cool books.

One of the main differences is that the main character is not a magician. He is a regular guy that joins a group that hunts monsters after he discovers that monsters are real by getting in a fight with a werewolf.

If you like The Iron Druid Chronicles then the Monter Hunter books are worth checking out.

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Death Becomes Her (The Kurtherian Gambit #1) by Michael Anderle

Book cover: Death Becomes Her
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Bethany Anne is fucking good special investigator in the army. However, there is one sad part, she is dying. She has a rare blood disease with no known cure. But she is not letting that stop her, she is going strong all the way to the end. But unbeknownst to her, she is put up for a possible secretive "promotion" because an old deal the government made with the Patriarch of the unknown world. But this time is different, he is not only looking to make new vampires, he is looking for a possible candidate to take over for him.

Is The Kurtherian Gambit good?

The Kurtherian Gambit is fast paced action with a strong female character. I like this series, but Bethany Anne can be a little to invulnerable. The swearing can be a little over the top at times, the books are to short already, why waste half of them on swear words.

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Skinwalker (Jane Yellowrock #1) by Faith Hunter

Book cover: Skinwalker
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Jane Yellowrock is a skinwalker

She shares her body with the soul of a mountain lion and she can take any form as long as she has some bones with DNA from the shape she wants.

Jane works as a freelance rogue-vampire hunter.

In this first book, she is hired to take care of a nasty rogue-vampire in New Orleans. When she is there she comes in contact with the vampire society and learns about the "sane" vampires. She also learns more about her own Cherokee heritage.

Is Jane Yellowrock good?

A great story and strong characters make this an excellent series.

You should read this. Absolutely worth checking out if you like these kinds of books.

Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows #1) by Kim Harrison

Book cover: Dead Witch Walking
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Rachel Mariana Morgan is a witch in her twenties. She is a part-owner of Vampiric Charms.

Vampiric Charms is a freelance runner and security service.

The other owners of Vampiric Charms are Ivy Tamwood and Jenks. Ivy Tamwood is a living vampire that will become a full vampire if she dies, and Jenks, a small pixy.

They used to work together at the vampire-run federal Inderland Security (IS). It's a police service for the supernatural.

Rachel, Ivy, and Jenks, decided to start their own company together, Vampiric Charms.

They live and work together from a decommissioned stone church. The church is in the Hollows district of Cincinnati and has an attached garden and graveyard. Rachel specializes in simple herb-based earth magic. The Curch garden is important for Rachels's magic.

Is The Hollows good?

Overall, an exciting, fun read, that`s hard to put down.

This is a highly recommended Fast-paced and captivating book series.

Magic Bites (Kate Daniels #1) by Ilona Andrews

Book cover: Magic Bites
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Kate Daniels is a mercenary who makes her living cleaning up magical messes left behind by others.

When her guardian is murdered, she gets dragged into a power struggle between two of the stronger factions within Atlanta's magic community. The Masters of the Dead, necromancers who control vampires, and The Pack, a clan of shifters.

They blame each other for a series of bizarre murders.

Kate finds herself the counterpoint in the struggle to normalize their relationship and to stop the murders.

Is Kate Daniels good?

This is a good read and the start of a great series. Magic Bites has a strong and interesting heroine. It's worth reading.

Moon Called (Mercy Thompson #1) by Patricia Briggs

Book cover: Moon Called
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Mercy "Mercy" Thompson's life is not exactly normal.

Her next-door neighbor is a werewolf. Her former boss is a gremlin. And she's fixing a VW bus for a vampire.

Mercy's strange connection to these strange creatures of shadow and night is about to get her into some seriously deep water.

Luckily, Mercy isn't exactly normal herself.

Is Mercy Thompson good?

Moon Called is a great start for a great series. I had much fun reading these books.

Fated (Alex Verus #1)

Fated Alex Versus 1 Book Cover
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Alex Verus runs a magic shop in London. His primary power is foresight. He can see future possibilities. This allows him to do things that most others would not be able to do.

Alex is approached by multiple factions to crack open a relic from an ancient mage war. Thanks to his abilities, Alex can predict that by taking the job, his odds of survival are about to go from slim to none.


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Urban Shaman (Walker Papers #1) by C.E. Murphy

Book cover: Urban Shaman
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Joanne Walker has just discovered that she has shamanic powers, and to top it off, she only has three days to learn to use them.

If she can't do that, the world will be ravaged by the newly unleashed Wild Hunt.

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The Book of Jhereg (Vlad Taltos #1) by Steven Brust

Book cover: The Book of Jhereg
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Vlad Taltos is a wise-cracking assassin and mobster. Being an Easterner in the Dragaeran city of Adrilankha is not easy but despite that, Vlad has managed to become a minor boss in the criminal syndicate of the Jhereg Organization.

He arrogantly accepts a job with a staggeringly large reward from an extremely powerful and fared member of the Organization's ruling Council.

The job is to assassinate Mellar, another Jhereg crime lord who has absconded with a fortune from the Jhereg treasury.

No on steels from the organization and survives, or get a fast death.

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TV-Shows like Hounded (The Iron Druid Chronicles #1)

We have also added some TV-Show recommendations that should have some similarities with The Iron Druid Chronicles

The Dresden Files

Tv Show cover: The Dresden Files
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HARRY DRESDEN -- WIZARD Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment.

Harry Dresden is a wizard from Chicago that works as a private investigator. He actually advertises in the Chicago yellow pages, with the ad written above. He also works as a consultant to the Chicago police with Detective Murphy on those cases considered bizarre.

Is The Dresden Files good?

I was at first a little put off because it differs from the stories told in the books, but after I come over that I started to really like it. The essence of the show is the same as the books, and you get a similar feeling. It is worth watching even if you have not read the books.

Why is The Dresden Files recommended?

Mostly the same reason as to why the books where suggested. But read the books if you haven't. They are much better. The TV-Show has almost nothing in common with them.


Tv Show cover: Grimm
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Portland homicide detective Nick Burkhardt discovers he is a descendant of the fared Grimms.

Grimms are a group of hunters who fight supernatural forces. They are charged with keeping the balance between humanity and the creatures of myth.

A reformed "Big Bad Wolf", now a reformed vegetarian, becomes his greatest helper and confidant.

Is Grimm good?

The creators have earlier made shows like Buffy and Angle. Grimm has some high standards to live up to, and it does so remarkably well.

This Show is a kind of modern take on the Grimm`s fairytales. Grimm is especially worth watching if you like modern fantasy and police shows.

The Shannara Chronicles

Tv Show cover: The Shannara Chronicles
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This TV show is based on the Shannara books by Terry Brooks, mainly The Elfstones of Shannara.

The Elvish tree, known as the Ellcrys, is responsible for sealing the daemons in a place known as the Forbidding. Now the Ellcrys is dying, and the daemons are slowly starting to come back from their banishment.

Wil Ohmsford is the grandson of Shea and the inheritor of the Elfstones. Amberle Elessedil is King Eventine's granddaughter. Allanon is the last Druid of Paranor. Together they set out to rescue the Ellcrys and stop the return of the daemons.

Is The Shannara Chronicles good?

The TV show is ok-ish.

Sadly it can't give the books the justice they deserve.

It's worth giving it a try if you like fantasy shows, but you still might end up not liking it.

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Lost Girl

Tv Show cover: Lost Girl
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Bo is a sexy succubus, and to feed she sucks the life force out of people.

For years she did not know what she was and had no control of her feeding.

She fled one corpse after another.

Until one day she accidentally crossed paths with Kenzi, a drifter, and a thief.

Bo rescued Kenzi from a date rape scum bag by killing him, which this time finally made the fae catch up with her.

The fae is split into two sides, light and dark. Each Fae must choose one of the sides, and stick to it.

Bo, who until now has lived outside the faecommunity, vows to live on her own terms. Even if it means existing alone between the dark and the light.

She manages this with the help of her mischievous, but loyal friends. Her friend Kenzi, the handsome shapeshifter Dyson and the beautiful human scientist Lauren.

While Bo tries to unravel the riddle of her mysterious past, she and her friends also have to tackle other problems that arise.

Is Lost Girl good?

This is a really cool series if you are into this kind of stuff.

Absolutely worth watching.

Blood Ties

Tv Show cover: Blood Ties
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Vicki Nelson is a Private Investigator that teams up with Henry Fitzroy, a vampire.

Together they investigating odd paranormal crimes around Toronto.

In between all the crime-solving, a love triangle drama is slowly growing between her former partner and ex-lover Detective Mike and her new vampire partner.

Animes like Hounded (The Iron Druid Chronicles #1)

We have managed to find some Anime recommendations to check out if you like The Iron Druid Chronicles. They are not that similar, but they should be interesting.

Death Note

Anime cover: Death Note
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Yagami Light is a 17-year-old genius from Japan.

One day he stumbles upon a notebook with the words "Death Note" written on the front. Unbeknownst to Light, this book used to belong to a Shinigami called Ryuk.

Shinigami are Death Gods.

The first sentence in this book states that anyone whose name is written inside will die.

Light falls for his all too human curiosity, and try to write in the book. Discovering that those whom he writes into the book actually dies, Light decides to use this power to change the world.

Light will change the world in his image and become God of the New World.

Light soon meats resistance from another genius known as L. He is working against Light's beliefs and Light himself.

Is Death Note good?

Death Note is a really good anime.

This might be a good starting point if you never have watched animes before. If you have experience with animes then you probably already have watched this show.

Why is Death Note recommended?

Death Note was added because it has goods and mythology in them, but of the eastern variation. It is also a good Anime with an interesting plot. 

But it is also not that similar to The Iron Druid Chronicles.

Vinland Saga

Vinland Saga cover
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Young Thorfinn's childhood years were in a small quiet village in Iceland. He grew up listening to the stories from old sailors that traveled the oceans and fought in battles.

One of the stories was about a legendary place far to the west called Vinland, a place said to be warm and fertile. A place where there would be no need for fighting.

But one day a team of legendary Vikings comes to town to get Thorfins father, a legendary warrior living in hiding.

That day changes Thorfins life.

After his father is killed by treachery, Thorfin ends up with mercenaries.

War is his home now, he lives and breaths death and conflict. He gives everything to get revenge for his father's death.

Will Thorfin ever return to his childhood dreams about Vinland?

Is Vinland Saga good?

Vinland Saga has great animation and soundtrack. The story is deep and dark. Its a little slow in the beginning, but it becomes grate very fast.

Vinland Saga is a must-watch for everyone who likes anime, and it is also recommended for people who do not watch anime.

Why is Vinland Saga recommended?

Vinland Saga is kind of different. It a Viking story.

It was mainly added because it somehow felt like it fitted in, but it is not similar. 

It is a good Anime, so check it out if it looks interesting.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Anime Cover
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The young brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric lose their mother to an incurable disease. With the power of alchemy, they use taboo knowledge to resurrect her.

But alchemy is bound by this Law of Equivalent Exchange.

As an exchange Edward loses his left leg and Alphonse his physical body. It is only sacrificing his own right arm that of Edward's is able to bind Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor. And to top it off, the resurrection failed.

With the help of a family friend, Edward receives metal limbs, also called automails, to replace his lost ones. With that, Edward vows to search for the mythical Philosopher's Stone to return his brother to his original body.

To do this he becomes a State Alchemist, a governmental military organization. After joining they quickly find themselves caught up in a nationwide conspiracy that leads them not only to the true nature of the elusive Philosopher's Stone but also deep into their country's murky history as well.

Is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood good?

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is a masterpiece. It among the best anime shows.

Just watch it.

Why is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood recommended?

Fullmetal Alchemist is a good suggestion for an Anime with some similarities to The Dresden Files.

It is also a very good show. One of the best.

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