If you like "Andromeda", then you might enjoy...


Andromeda Recommendations Atticle Cover

If you want more like the show Andromeda then this article is for you. We have created a huge list of similar recommendations to the Andromeda TV-Show. We have also added a few anime and book recommendations similar to Andromeda too.

In hindsight, Andromeda was not the best Science Fiction show, but some of us have fond memories of watching it back in the day. So we decided to create an article containing a list of recommendations similar to Andromeda. Just in case there are other people out there that also have fond memories from the show.

Most of our recommendations will be in the Science Fiction genre with spaceships and aliens. But we have added other suggestions that have less direct similarities to, just to spice things up a little.


Captain Dylan Hunt and his sentient warship Andromeda have been frozen in time for 300 years. They have been circling around the border of a black hole.

For Captain Dylan Hunt, the time of the Commonwealth was yesterday and not 300 years ago.

He is rescued from the black hole by a salvage ship and its crew. They, of course, have no idea he is still alive and onboard. They are only after the money the can get for the ship.

The crew of the salvage ship is left for dead by their captain. Then they end up joining Captain Dylan Hunt on his quest to restore the Commonwealth and bring unity to the galaxy once again.

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TV-Shows like Andromeda

Stargate Universe

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The secret of the Stargate's ninth chevron is discovered.

It opens a wormhole to the unmanned starship Destiny. Its an experiment launched by the Ancients hundreds of millennia ago.

A team of explorers from Earth is sent to investigate this starship. They are led by Dr. Nicolas Rush and Colonel Everett Young.

When they enter the ship by the stargate they get trapped. Unable to call back home or too change its programmed mission, they are forced to complete its original mission.

On Destiny they travel far out into the universe, in a distant galaxy, encountering new races and enemies.

Is Stargate Universe good?

I know some SG-1 fans dislike SG-Universe, but I love it. It a little darker than the other SG shows, but that actually makes it better. Sad it only lasted two seasons.

Why is Stargate Universe recommended?

Stargate Universe is probably the stargate series that is most similar to Andromeda. In both shows, they are based on a spaceship and have to deal with aliens and on ship conflicts. 

They are both set in outer space on spaceships and interact with aliens species and planets.

One of the main differences is that in Stargate Universe they are far from home without a way to get back. They also don't have full control of the ship and there are more people on this ship. And even if they are stuck they still are acting on directions from the governments on Earth.'

But you can argue that Captain Dylan Hunt is far from home to. Only in time and not in space.

If you like Andromeda then you should definitely give Stargate Universe a try. You don't have to watch Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis first, but it is recommended.

Stargate SG-1

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An ancient alien race filled our galaxy with stargates. Portals that can create artificial wormholes between each other. Making it easier and faster to travel our galaxy.

One of those stargates is found on earth. The United States Military forms a task force to explore these new planets that have open up for us.

Is Stargate SG-1 good?

Stargate SG-1 has plenty of episodes exploring scientific theories and old religions.

This show has a good mix of seriousness and humor. It has episodic content andlong-term story arcs.

Stargate SG-1 is absolutely worth a try if you like this kind of geeky shows.

Why is Stargate SG-1 recommended?

Stargate SG-1 is another exiting science fiction show about space, adventure, aliens, and conflict. It also has some similar types of comedic reliefs as Andromeda and it was published during the same time period.

One of the main differences is that Stargate SG-1 is set in our time and their main base is on earth and not on a wandering spaceship. They also have governmental oversight and are not a small independent team of explorers. It has space ships, especially later in the show, but they mainly explore other planets by moving thru the stargates.

If you like Andromeda then you will probably also like Stargate SG-1. In our opinion its a much better show than Andromeda.

Stargate Atlantis

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Stargate Command has discovered the city of Atlantis in the Pegasus Galaxy.

They send Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard to lead a scientific expedition to Atlantis. Their goal is to discover the secrets of this ancient abandoned city.

When they arrive they find them-self unable to call back to earth. And to make matters worse, they reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith.

With the help of local allies, they start to uncover their new home's secrets. Can they learn to use this city in their war of survival against the Wraith?

Why is Stargate Atlantis recommended?

Stargate Atlantis and Andromeda are targeting the same audience. They are both serious and exiting with some comedic relief elements. They are also both about space, spaceships, and aliens.

One of the main differences is that Andromeda is more about a small team on a wandering spaceship type of story while Stargate Atlantis is a bigger team with connections to the government. The Andromeda team is operating outside governmental oversight.

Definitely check out Stargate Atlantis if you like Andromeda.

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Star Trek: Discovery

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Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery search for new worlds and lifeforms.

Michael Burnham is second in command on a starship that stumbles upon a Klingon ship. She brakes command and commits treason in an attempt to stop a war against the Klingons, but she fails and she ends up getting the blame for the war.

On her way to prison, she is picked up by the research vessel Discovery and given a new chance.

Is Star Trek: Discovery good?

I love this new Star Trek series, but I know many others hate it. I have not seen too much of the other Star Trek series, just an episode here and there, so that might be a reason why I don't hate it.

I think Star Trek: Discovery is one of the better space Sci-Fi series in recent years.

Why is Star Trek: Discovery recommended?

Star Trek: Discovery is a science fiction set in space and on space ships. It has aliens and space battles.

But it is still not that similar to AndromedaStar Trek: Discovery is grander in scale with its battles and conflicts and it has more focus on tech, research, and war.

Some hardcore Trekkies dislike this series. It changes too much from the previous shows. But unless you are one of them than Star Trek: Discovery is a good show.

You will probably like it if you like Andromeda.

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Battlestar Galactica

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The Cylons returns and devastate the human population.

Only a ragtag fleet of refugees lead by President Laura Roslin remains. Their only defense is the historic ship Battlestar Galactica, commanded by Commander Adama.

They are searching for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. But they also has to avoid the Cylon army and infiltrators and deal with political intrigues.

Is Battlestar Galactica good?

Battlestar Galactica is one of the best TV-Shows of all time.

Even people who hate sci-fi might enjoy this show.

Why is Battlestar Galactica recommended?

Battlestar Galactica is another futuristic and exciting science fiction show. It has spaceships androids and conflicts. The main story takes part on the different space ships that are fleeing for survival in outer space.

Battlestar Galactica have more politics and character-driven story. The show also has a longer continuous story that is really good.

You should check out Battlestar Galactica if you like Andromeda. It is also a much better show than Andromeda.


Tv Show cover: Farscape
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Astronaut John Crichton is on an experimental space mission. Its goal is to test a new spacecraft slingshotting around the globe.

He is accidentally sucked into a wormhole. When he emerges he is in the midst of an intergalactic conflict far out in the universe.

John joins the crew on Moya. A living sentient bio-mechanical space ship. They picked him up after his unfortunate wormhole ride.

He has to get to grips with living among alien creatures wielding deadly technology. And if that was not enough, they are being hunted by the Peacekeepers, a merciless military race

Is Farscape good?

Farscape is a cool science-fiction show, but not the best.

I could for some reason not stomach the actor playing John Crichton. I had problems with him when he was on SG-1 also. This is probably just me, and many will likely disagree with me on this. If you have no problems with him, then this show is pretty good.

Farscape is absolutely worth watching.

Why is Farscape recommended?

Farscape and Andromeda both have a crew of different species flying around on a spaceship with no other boss than themselves. They do their own thing to survive but also get involved in conflicts with other people and governments.

Both shows also have a living ship, but the ship in Farscape is an organic living being and not an AI.

If you have not seen Farscape then you should check it out. It is also a much better show than Andromeda.

Babylon 5

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Commander Sinclair commands a giant five-mile-long cylindrical space station. It orbits a planet in neutral space and has become a diplomatic center for different interstellar empires.

Commander Sinclair has to soften the troubles between different empire's ambassadors. But it's not only trouble between different races he has to handle. Ther is also plenty of internal strife in the Earth Alliance that takes up his time.

In addition to the political troubles, there is also plenty of petty crimes and other more ordinary problems for Sinclair to solve. A few times there are also threats from external sources.

The life of a commander on an interspecies diplomatic space station is not an easy one.

Is Babylon 5 good?

I can't understand why Sheldon Cooper hates Babylon 5, it's an absolutely terrific series. One of the best space series.

So much tension and drama between the different sides. A complex and excellent show.

I guess one thing that makes it so great is that this is a five season-long continuous tale. All the seasons were planned out to make one story before they started producing it. I wish more series could try that.

Why is Babylon 5 recommended?

Babylon 5 is also set in space with aliens and spaceships. But it is set on a stationary space station and it has a heavy focus on politics, diplomacy, and character interactions. The story is also not episodic, its a long story that lasts over five seasons.

It's an epic space opera.

Babylon 5 is not that similar to Andromeda, but it is a very good show. A little dated, but an absolute classic.


Eureka Show Cover
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Eureka is a small hidden town populated by America's brightest scientists. They work on cutting edge inventions and discoveries.

Sadly for them, but funny for us, in their enthusiasm they tend to be forgetful about the safety surrounding their projects. This usually leads to unnatural and hilarious chaos.

Sheriff Jack Carter and his daughter accidentally stumble upon Eureka, and Jack ends up being hired as the new sheriff in town.

He got more than he bargained for when he has to deal with all the quirky geniuses living in Eureka and their crazy experiments.

Is Eureka good?

This is an absolutely hilarious show with lots of strange inventions. Every episode has some new crazy scientific accidents to be taken care of. I was so sad when it was canceled.

Why is Eureka recommended?

Eureka is not that similar to Andromeda. It is set on earth, and it is not focused on space and aliens. It focuses on scientists and their mad inventions going wrong. It's a science-fiction show with many comedic elements, but its not a comedy show.

You will probably like Eureka if you like Andromeda. It is targeted toward the same audience group. But it is not that directly similar.

Warehouse 13

Tv Show cover: Warehouse 13
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Agent Pete Lattimer and Agent Myka Bering find themselves transferred to Warehouse 13. It's a massive top-secret storage facility in South Dakota.

This mysterious warehouse contains every supernatural artifact ever collected by the government.

Their new job has them chasing down reports of supernatural activity in search of new artifacts to be safeguarded in the Warehouse.

Is Warehouse 13 good?

Warehouse 13 is an entertaining adventure full of fictional and historical objects and gadgets with and without (mostly with) supernatural powers.

I really like this TV show.

Why is Warehouse 13 recommended?

Warehouse 13 is not that similar to Andromeda. It is set in our time on earth, and it has a mix of fantasy and science fiction elements. But there is something about it that feels kind of similar. It might be a lighthearted mood and team dynamic, not exactly sure.

If you like Andromeda then you will probably like Warehouse 13, even if they are not directly similar.

Buffy: the Vampire Slayer

Tv Show cover: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
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"In every generation, there is a chosen one... she alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer".

Buffy, a sexy kick-ass high school girl, is her generation chosen one.

Destined to slay vampires, demons and other infernal creatures. And at the same time still trying, and failing, to be just a "normal girl".

Luckily for her, she is not alone in her quest to save the world. She has the help of her group of friends, the hilarious evil-fighting team called "The Scooby Gang".

Is Buffy: the Vampire Slayer good?

Buffy is a classic paranormal teen show. It's a little old, but if that does not put you off then its a must-watch-show.

Why is Buffy: the Vampire Slayer recommended?

Buffy is an oddball recommendation. It's a different genre and has nothing to do with space.

Buffy was airing around the same time as Andromeda, and people that watched one were likely to watch the other.

The main reason for its recommendation is to give a path into something slightly different, but something you probably will like.

Dark Matter

Tv Show cover: Dark Matter
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A spaceship out in the farthest reaches of space is on its way to a remote mining colony.

Inside it has a crew of six people who have had their memories wiped clean, they have no recollection of who they are or how they got on board.

The ship has a cargo bay full of weapons and the mining colony is about to become a war zone.

Is Dark Matter good?

It looks like this show has a low-budget, but it is still a great show.

I like it.

Why is Dark Matter recommended?

Dark Matter and Andromeda are both futuristic science fiction shows where the main characters are roaming around on a spaceship together. Its a bit darker than Andromeda and it has some more psychological and mystery elements to it.

If you like Andromeda then Dark Matter is a good recommendation.


Tv Show cover: Firefly
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Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds is a former galactic war veteran.

Now Mal is the captain of the transport ship Serenity.

Mal is kind of like Han Solo from Star Wars. A small-time smuggler hiding behind his legal transport services.

His crew consists of. Zoe, his old war buddy. Wash, the pilot. Jayne Cobb, the muscle. Kaylee Frye, the mechanic. Simon Tam, the medic, and his sister River. Inara Serra, a courtesan. And the last one, Shepherd Book, a preacher.

Together they do any jobs, legal or illegal. They travel across the outskirts of outer space sparking up trouble wherever they go.

Is Firefly good?

Firefly is a superb show. I can't fathom why it got canceled after only one season. I want a new show like this.

Watch it now! Just do it.

Why is Firefly recommended?

Firefly is another exiting science fiction show with the main cast flying around adventuring on a space ship. They have no other boss than themself. It has aliens and space battles.

If you like Andromeda then you will definitely love Firefly. It's probably something wrong with you if you don't.


Tv Show cover: Killjoys
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A trio of bounty hunters lives in a solar system ruled by a tyrannical corporation known only as The Company. The Company is a class-based corporation that rules the system with an iron fist.

The bounty hunter trio lives hard, party all night, and they work for an Independent interplanetary organization of assassins and retrieval experts called R.A.C.

People working for R.A.C. are known as reclamation agents or more commonly Killjoys. Killjoys only follow one law, and that is "The Warrant is all". Warrants are official documents issued by the R.A.C. which authorize Killjoys to conduct missions.

The whole system is verging on revolutionary war against The Company and the trio's own bloody pasts is starting to catch up with them. In this chaos, the three Killjoys struggle daily to maintain their R.A.C neutrality.

Is Killjoys good?

Killjoys is an exiting space western kind of show. Character development can sometimes take second place to world-building. Personally I would prefer more focus on character development, but the story is stellar.

Initially, it reminded me a little of Firefly, only not as good. But even if it is not as good as Firefly it is still a must-see show for science-fiction fans.

Animes like Andromeda

We have added a few space-themed Science Fiction Animes that have some similarities with Andromeda.

If you like Andromeda then these Animes might be to your taste.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

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Legend of the Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu) is a wast space opera anime.

For decades two interstellar empires have been locked in an interstellar war. A war involving thousands of spaceships and millions of soldiers. There is no end in sight for the war between the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance.

This anime is full of drama, political conflicts, and war. It differs from most other animes in that it is based on a sci-fi book series instead of a manga.

Is Legend of the Galactic Heroes good?

This is one of the better animes out there. People who usually don't watch anime might also like this. But it is very long and old, but that should not turn you away from it.

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Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop Anime Cover
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Spike Spiegel is a bounty hunter.

Together with his partners Jet Black, Faye Valentine, Edward, and their dog Ein, they hunt across the galaxy. They are looking for any high bounty fugitives to bag.

Is Cowboy Bebop good?

This is one of the classics must-see anime.

Cowboy Bebop is recommended even if you are not a big fan of animes.

Book like Andromeda

We have not added that many book suggestions that have similarities to Andromeda.

Most of us at A Fictional Universe read mainly Fantasy books, so we don't have that many Science Fiction books to pick from.

We Are Legion (We Are Bob) (Bobiverse #1)

Book cover: We Are Legion (We Are Bob)
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Bob Johansson has just sold his software company and now he is looking forward to a life of leisure as a rich man.

Sadly Bob dies in an accident right after reaching his dreams.

But before he died, Bob paid for a service to freeze his brain. It will be kept frozen until we have the technology to put it into a new body.

However, when he wakes up a century later, he discovers that dead people have been declared to be without rights. Bob is now the property of the state.

As if that wasn't enough, he has been uploaded into a computer. His new task is to be the controlling AI of an interstellar von Neumann probe. His goal is to search for new habitable planets humanity can colonize.

If he declines, he'll be switched off.

If he accepts, he becomes the main target of competing states with similar projects and goals.

Is Bobiverse good?

The Bobiverse series is the best sci-fi book series I have read in a long while. 

It's full of references to interesting science and popular culture.

It has a good story with cool humor. It's also very interesting and funny how the different bobs interact with each other.

Great books.

Why is Bobiverse recommended?

The Andromeda spaceship has a human-like AI. Bob is not exactly like her, he was a human being once. And his ships do not have humans on them.

The Bobiverse series also try to be more realistic with its science parts.

Bobiverse might not be the most similar book series to the Andromeda show, but they are an excellent read.
